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Analyze the main reason for the mechanical wave of rubber roller

AddTime:2020-05-28 14:24:23   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

1. Forming and rounding

The processing and rounding of the rubber roller are particularly important, which has a great influence on the reduction of the CV value of the yarn sliver and the CV value between the sliver tubes, especially on the generation of mechanical waves of the rubber roller. For example, if the difference between the single-layer rubber roller sleeve is too large, the rounding is not in place, and the circumferential stress difference is large, which not only affects the level of the strip, but also causes a high CV value between the tubes, and it is also easy to produce mechanical roller rubber waves. Although the circumferential stress of the double-layer rubber roller is concentrated on the inner layer, due to the poor roundness, it is still released on the outer layer spinning hose during operation. In addition, the double-layer and aluminum-lined rubber hoses are a little careless, causing some local damage or damage to the inner wall of the rubber hose between the hose and the iron shell, which will also cause regular stress unevenness during operation and produce rubber roller Mechanical wave.

2. Acceptance of iron shell and hose

If the gap between the iron shells is too large or lacks oil or shaking, it is easy to cause mechanical waves or draft waves, but the amplitude is below 0.5. And because the gap between the iron shell is too small, the vehicle will run hot when the car is running, or because the gap is too small, the aluminum lined rubber tube will cause inflexible operation and mechanical waves will easily occur. The inner and outer layers of the double-layer hose are partially degummed, the aluminum-lined hose is not rounded, and the surface of the hose is distributed with pores and uneven hardness, which are prone to mechanical waves.

3. Grinding fixture

During grinding, the fixture roller is eccentric or the ejector pin is not concentric, and the rubber roller after eccentricity exceeds the standard, there will be obvious rubber roller mechanical wave.

4. Surface coating treatment and ultraviolet light

The surface treatment of the rubber roller is a key process in production, and it is also a process that can easily cause mechanical waves of the rubber roller. This is true for board coating and pen coating. There are two main reasons: one is the uneven surface density of the hose and the uneven absorption of paint and ultraviolet light; the second is the incorrect method. These two reasons cause the uneven friction factor of the rubber roller surface, the rubber roller feels unsmooth, and the mechanical wave of the rubber roller is produced in production. When the ultraviolet light machine illuminates the rubber roller, if you do not pay attention to hang the rubber roller at the exit so that the rubber roller receives light statically, it will make the surface friction factor of the rubber roller uneven and produce a mechanical wave of the rubber roller. These situations are reflected when the paint formulation is relatively large or when the light time is short. In addition, a situation that people tend to overlook is that the spare rubber roller is placed for a long time. The color of the upper surface of the rubber roller facing the sunlight and fluorescent light is inconsistent with the other side. In fact, the surface friction factor of the rubber roller is not Evenly, a mechanical wave of the rubber roller will be generated.

5. Oil stains and cotton wax

Oil stains on the surface of the rubber roller or cotton wax and uneven distribution will also cause the mechanical wave of the rubber roller. In actual work, mechanical rollers of rubber rollers appeared after the qualified rubber rollers inspected by the live appraisal instrument. After careful observation, it was found that there was oil on the surface. After washing and then testing, the mechanical waves disappeared. It turned out that the ingot was replaced by a new roller due to the mechanical wave of the roller, and the residual oil stain of the roller was not clean, which contaminated the surface of the rubber roller and caused an uneven friction factor on the surface of the rubber roller. Cotton wax on the surface of the rubber roller will also cause the same problem.

6. Variety structure

The type of spinning is very relevant to the occurrence of mechanical waves of rubber rollers. According to the statistics of each branch, the mechanical wave of the combed yarn rubber roller is twice that of the carded yarn. The probability of polyester-cotton blended yarn is 50% higher than that of the carded yarn, and the probability of fine special chemical fiber is higher. This is mainly related to the drafting force, as well as the order of the fibers.

7. Operation

The spun yarn blocker currently has about 12 stands. If the tour is not timely, it will cause the rollers or rubber rollers to be wound and the rubber rollers will be damaged. If it is not handled in time and correctly, a mechanical wave of the rubber roller will be generated. One is that the rubber roller is twisted and unreplaced, the yarn is spun again, and the spindle has a mechanical wave; the other is that the rubber roller is broken at one end and the other end is still spinning, then the spun yarn will also have a mechanical wave of the rubber roller. This is prominent when spinning spandex core-spun yarn. In actual work, we found that the spandex yarn was wrapped around the roller (not in the spinning range), but the stopper did not handle it cleanly, and the spun yarn was still spun. There was also a rubber roller mechanical wave after sampling.

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