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The rolling forms of aluminum casting and rolling mills are divided into: continuous casting and rolling (double-roll casting and rolling), aluminum sheet casting and rolling mills

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Feiya Mechanical Aluminum Casting and Rolling Mill is divided into continuous casting and rolling (double-roll casting and rolling) and continuous casting and rolling according to the rolling form. According to the development process, it is divided into three types: first-generation casting and rolling mill (standard casting and rolling mill), second-generation casting and rolling mill (super-type casting and rolling mill), and third generation of casting and rolling mill (ultra-thin rapid casting and rolling mill).

The first-generation casting and rolling mill was developed by the Hunter Engineering Company of the United States in the early 1960s, with a roll diameter of about 600mm. China Aluminum Rolling Mill Beilu Co., Ltd. developed the first generation of casting and rolling mills in the early 1980s.

The roll diameter of the second-generation casting and rolling mill is about 900mm. Due to the increase of the roll diameter, the rigidity of the casting roll rigidity and the hydraulic system fault diagnosis of the melt aluminum casting and rolling mill have increased accordingly, and the width of the production slab has been larger increase.

The third-generation casting and rolling mill was researched and developed by Hunter Engineering and the original French Puke company. The casting and rolling speed is 10m / min, and the thinnest product thickness is 1mm. The continuous casting and rolling method has a small single machine output, generally no more than 10,000 tons, and the economic scale is between 5,000 and 30,000 tons.

Compared with twin-roll continuous casting and rolling, continuous casting and continuous rolling can greatly expand the range of alloys that can be produced due to deeper liquid cavities and longer crystallizers. In today's vigorously developed aluminum processing technology, especially in the case of 1 + 3 1 + 4 aluminum hot continuous rolling technology is continuously applied to industrial production, the continuous casting and continuous rolling process still has strong vitality, its process innovation and aluminum casting and rolling mill equipment optimization have Vast space.

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