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Aluminum foil mill manufacturers tell you how to keep in good health in winter?

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1, Yin attention to drink bai water
In dry autumn and winter, more than 600 ml of du is evaporated through the skin every day, so hydration must be done. An adult should drink a minimum of 1,500 milliliters of water a day, and 2,000 milliliters in the fall to keep the lungs and airways lubriced.
Although it is recommended to drink more water every day for health, weight loss, beauty, but in the case of not thirsty, one-time drinking a lot of water, against physiological demand, can cause the opposite effect, water exceeds the body necessary amount, the water content in the cell rises and expands, the worst result can cause "water poisoning", harm life. The correct amount of water to drink should be adjusted according to the amount of daily activity, normally at least 1.5 to 2L of water per day. Drink 1 to 2 cups of water each time.
2. Dress to keep warm
Some people are careless, the cold day did not add clothes in time; Some people in order to be beautiful, originally wear less, also do not button the coat. Early in the morning and late at night when the weather is cold and windy, the abdomen is easily cold. Especially if the spleen and stomach are deficient and cold, once they encounter cold weather, they will have stomachache and loose bowels. This is a natural reaction of the gastrointestinal tract. The best and most convenient way is to wear more clothes, especially to wrap the waist and abdomen tightly.
The number one criterion for choosing winter clothing is warmth. In many clothing materials, wool, chlorine fiber, acrylic fiber, silk, viscose cotton vinegar insulation is the highest, and polyamide, polypropylene, polyester thermal conductivity is higher, not suitable for cold. The more air a garment contains, the better it will keep warm. Thick wool and silk fabrics contain a lot of air and keep warm. Wool fabric, in particular, does not have straight air holes, so it has better heat retention.
Drink salt water in the morning and drink honey at night
Autumn will often feel thirsty, light drinking water, can not resist autumn dryness. Human body water, will soon be evaporated or excreted out of the body, so, should be "toward salt water, late evening honey soup". It is to drink salt water during the day and drink honey water at night. This is not only a good way to supplement human body water, but also a good diet for autumn health preservation and resistance to aging. At the same time, it can also prevent constipation caused by autumn dryness, killing three birds with one stone.
Salt has the effect of clearing heat, cooling blood and detoxifying. After getting up in the morning, drinking a cup of light salt water on an empty stomach is conducive to reducing fire and benefiting kidney, keeping stool unobpatened, improving digestion and absorption of the stomach and intestines. Honey is tonic, moisten dryness, pain relief, detoxification. Before going to bed every day to take 10 ~ 20 ml of honey, with warm boiling water to take, can not only invigorate the spleen and stomach, tonifying qi and blood, but also calm, calm, in addition to the role of annoyance. In addition, the salt water and honey water also prevent the effect of elevated blood pressure. Salt contains a lot of sodium, which may raise blood pressure, and honey is high in potassium, which helps get rid of excess sodium from the body.

Zhuozhou Feiya Machinery Co., Ltd. has a team with rich experience in technology research and development, production and after-sales service. In the professional aluminum processing and steel equipment research and development manufacturing field has a number of patents; In the field of rubber sealing, we develop the technology of new sealing and sealing materials, adopt imported raw materials, optimize the formula and reasonable structure design, and produce high quality and durable products.
In line with the principle of "professional, stable and refined", from the date of its establishment, the company has always carried out the concept of "quality is the life of the enterprise", and "product quality as the fundamental survival of the enterprise, with honesty and reputation as the driving force of enterprise development". Adhere to the science and technology oriented; Talent as the fundamental; Technical production as a guarantee.

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