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Common problems and countermeasures in production process of aluminum foil mill

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In the production process, aluminum foil rolling mill is more prone to electrical control, hydraulic system, mechanical mechanism and other problems, usually through daily maintenance, equipment maintenance and overhaul to solve. In the process of use of aluminum foil rolling mill, it is easy to appear the special problem of aluminum foil rolling. The phenomenon of coiling and breaking strip often occurs in the process of finishing rolling, which seriously affects the smooth progress of production, the improvement of production efficiency and the yield of finished product. There are several causes of broken band in general:

1) The coiling tension is unstable. Generally, the coiling tension should be set according to the thickness of the foil strip at the inlet side and the roll type, etc. If the tension is too small, it will cause the phenomenon of broken strip caused by piling.

2) During the acceleration and deceleration of the rolling mill, the linear speed of the coiler is not synchronized with that of the roll. When the line speed of the coiler is high, the strip break will occur due to the increase of tension, otherwise, the strip break will occur due to the stacking of materials.

3) Foil with split edge. Both the inlet side and the outlet side of the rolling mill will result in stress concentration and strip breaking due to tension.

4) Not skilled in operation. Such as tension given improper, shape control is not good, rolling mill acceleration and deceleration instability.

In view of the above reasons, the following main measures should be taken:

1) Set the coiler tension reasonably according to the inlet side foil strip thickness and roll shape, strengthen process management, and improve the scientificity of process parameter setting.

2) When the modern aluminum foil rolling mill is accelerating and decelerating, the accelerating and decelerating instructions are sent to the uncoiler and the coiler through the program controller, requiring the coiler speed to quickly follow the rolling mill speed, otherwise the strip will be broken. The main cause of strip breaking in the mill is improper coiling, so the phenomenon of strip breaking can be effectively reduced by changing the motor driving constant and correcting improper coiling.

3) Strengthen the management of the production process, discover the crack edge of the foil strip in time through the early detection, and take corresponding measures such as cutting edge.

4) Strengthen staff training and production process management, improve the operation level of operators and the standardization of production process.

The popularization and use of domestic aluminum foil rolling mill has promoted the development of aluminum foil industry in China. In order to make domestic aluminum foil more competitive in the domestic and foreign markets, both aluminum foil mill manufacturing industry and aluminum foil manufacturers should pay more attention to the processing accuracy, installation accuracy and daily maintenance of aluminum foil mill. For the deficiencies found in use, aluminum foil manufacturers and aluminum foil rolling mill manufacturing industry should communicate in time and improve seriously, so as to enhance the industrial technology level, so as to promote China's aluminum foil rolling mill manufacturing industry and aluminum foil processing industry into the world advanced ranks as soon as possible.

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