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Zhuozhou Feiya Machinery Limited liability company to remind you how to do personal protection during the epidemic?

AddTime:2021-08-04 17:03:34   Views:     【 Big Mid Small 】   Print   Close

One, the attention of living habits

1. Wash your hands frequently, maintain personal hygiene, and open Windows to air every day

2. Try not to go out. If you go out, try to wear a mask

3. Avoid unnecessary parties and avoid contact

Eat more fruits and vegetables, exercise and sleep well

Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and don't spit

Ii. Routes of virus transmission during the epidemic period

1. According to previous experience, the virus may be transmitted through saliva and droplets, so avoid contact and dialogue with others during the outbreak

2. It may be transmitted through food, water and feces. Usually, we should pay attention to eat clean cooked food and boiled water

3. Transmission through contact. During the epidemic period, we should try to avoid going out and refuse contact with others to reduce transmission

4. It may be transmitted by mosquitoes or animals. Try not to eat wild, unusual and strange foods

The above information is from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact in time.

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